This powerhead/wavemaker is good value for your money, but ONLY if you are looking for one for a nano or pico tank. Despite the amount of water it supposedly moves, I am disappointed with the very small size and performance, it doesn't move very much water in my 75 gal tank. Please research this product carefully to ensure that it's exactly what you need as the return policy for this mail-order company is not very forgiving (not worth my while to send it back where I would have to pay for return shipping and a restocking fee). @Brian, we 100% agree with that review. It is indeed too small for your tank, these are nano pumps that move only 1300 GPH. You should have consulted us prior and we would have recommended the larger QP-9. The same applies to the return policy, you would not have to return anything if you would have consulted us prior to buying. We are there to help. Thanks for the review.