Caribsea florida crushed coral - 40lbs
SKU: 150
CaribSea Aragonite Products Nobody puts as much effort into bringing you the quality and selection of aragonite products as CaribSea does. All of our substrates are scientifically sound and proven products.
Perfect for your Saltwater or freshwater (will raise PH) aquarium.
Aragonite, purposely engineered and free of impurities such as ash, metals, pesticides, and silica; allows you to create a safe and beautiful environment for your fish and invertebrates. Why take chances with other brands?
The only crushed coral with aragonite, which provides up to 25 times the buffering power of other crushed corals, dolomite, or oyster shell. Will eliminate chronic pH problems and provide maximum surface area for water purifying bacteria. Allows an increase in bioload by up to 50% and it will never need to be replaced. Can be used with calcium, but also carbonate buffer and essential trace elements such as strontium (up to 10,000 ppm). Mixed Grade. Grain size: 2.0 -5.5mm. Lightly rinse before use.